Saturday, June 13, 2009

Another one bites my nuts

Oh hi there! How are you?

Me? I'm just slipping further and further into sports hell, thank you. I'm surrounded by Laker fans who are already celebrating the franchise's 15th NBA championship like entitled assholes who don't appreciate how lucky they are, and tonight I got to watch my favorite city (NOT) win the Stanley Cup title. Moreover, I lost a bet to a good buddy of mine and now I owe him an expensive bottle of liquor because Sidney Crosby won it all before LeBron James. But I can live with that.

Meanwhile, here I sit, increasingly frustrated and decidedly championship-less. I listened to a Laker fan the other day balk about suffering, about how he started rooting for the team during the "rough" times. Yeah, like that one year in the '90s the Lakers didn't make the playoffs. Right.

I responded with a vitriolic sentence or two telling him to shut the fuck up and scolding him about pretending to know what it's like to root for a loser. It probably seemed jerky at the time, but I don't regret it. Not for one second. I was born with a competitive gene. Sue me. I take sports very seriously. Not life and death, but still very seriously. If you're reading this blog, you probably feel the same way. If you don't think so, then you're full of shit.

As for tonight's events, I can't really hate on the Penguins. I don't like the hype that Sidney Crosby gets, but the Pens don't incite my ire like those fucking douchebag dickhole fuckface Steelers do. Still, a Stanley Cup for the Penguins means two titles in one year for Pittsburgh, and two titles in one year for Pittsburgh means one pissed-off DJMJ.

I can't help it. It's the Cleveland fan in me. It's petulant, it's bitter, it's jealousy. But can't someone be jealous of us for once?

I now turn the blog over to FLS, who may or may not choose to post in celebration.

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